About Me

Hi! My name is Brooke. I'm a full-time mom to one cute little man and wife of a hard working (and HOT!) husband who supports my decision to raise our son the old-fashioned way. Join me on my journey to work towards a completely natural way of living, from how I live (in a fifth wheel trailer!) what I eat (mostly delicious and sometimes healthy treats) all while planning our move south from the great United States to Central America in a place known as Belize. Our dream is to live off the land where we plan to grow our own food, raise our kids to fall in love with nature the way that we have, and live completely free of debt, bills, or stress. And we would love it if others joined us on our movement so that we can eventually build a self-sustaining community surrounded by lush jungles, Mayan temples, and the Caribbean Sea. Sounds crazy right? I know, I just may be.


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